Subway station map

Use the arrow keys to move arround; Shift+arrows to change the point of view.


It is hard to understand the layout of a subway station. We rarely know the best entrance for our journey. When we get out, we are disoriented and the first thing we do is to find out where we are.

This prototype is a suggestion how to help making a mental image of the places we cross every day.


Data from OpenStreetMap. The rendering is made with Tangram.

More information and source code on GitHub

Next steps

Nice 3D is hard and we probably pushed Tangram beyond than what is ment to do.

But even with the right tools, a good design is even harder and requires lots of efforts.

Gathering all the data is also a big issue.


I’m Tristram and made this experiment during the Paris Summer Fellowship 2016 organized by Five by Five.